This is tha remix

Wow. January. so hey, you’re early.

Ran fresh out of patience for listening to my own head voice for bloggy type stuff over the mad holiday week.  Don’t know if I can stand myself for 365 days of this, actually.  tho 2 down! heh.

Thankfully, I’m right on track with the better wardrobe focus.  Successfully made it 48 hours sans pants!  and December was a nice way to switch over.  My reservation at Foreign Cinema did all I hoped and more.  Felt great wearing a new dress and the dinner was lovely! highly recommended.. esp, for a date. lots of cozy nooks and warm candles.

I do think this month will be more challenging.  January is made for layers of flannel.  and Harley was SO right, giving up warm pajamas is the toughest.  I kept my furry Conan boots on all evening yesterday, which did nothing for the favorite nightshirt and tights.. sort of Jen Aniston plays Valeria. non hot.

So now I’m on the hunt for a less humiliating solution for toasting my freezing toes. I am NOT a fan of the fat-footed fluffy slipper.. always hated how your feet look like they’re being partially digested by two house cats. ack!  gotta shop.

oh! and I did my first skort run with beaming pride today (tho my time was not that of a Hyrkanian archer;).  It was a looong 2 miles, but I did it.

and I did it in a skirt:)

Happy New Year Bloggers!

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